I used the recipe for Dulce sin leche cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, but made one and a half batch to make this cake and instead of the original way, frosted it and then poured the caramel over it, and also inside it before baking. Wow this was amazing. I made it for my dad's birthday and he totally loved it.
Well I recently got a ton of peaches from my aunt who has a tree in her backyard and through this recipe together basically with no cookbook, which is why it probably could have been better but it was yummy, fresh home grown peaches are always yummy :)
Well I don't think this picture does this yummy invention justice, but when I'm hungry and there isn't the greatest light anywhere I just go out in the back yard. This recipe was amazing! I made this, again from my new Vegan Brunch cookbook, and everyone liked it, even my taste bud corrupted brother :P
I have now forgotten where online I found this recipe but it was in a Google search for vegan muffins. They are very very yummy and moist with a hint of lemon.
Hello all my fellow bloggers and food lovers :) I recently became vegan again after a few years of "rebelling" from being raised vegan, but now I'm back at it because I feel healthier and I care so much about all the innocent animals harmed in the process of making all the foods that we really shouldn't be eating anyway. So I decided to make a blog about all the yummy vegan (vee -gan ) food I eat since it's simply delicious and good for you. And cruelty free!! And because I'm tired of hearing "Omg your vegan? What do you eat?!" So I hope you enjoy and I hope you aren't one of THOSE people that give us vegans/vegetarians out there a hard time. (Please be nice!) And if you would like any recipe, just ask! :) Also all pictures are taken by me.